Gay men video trailers

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They’re both very busy.į rom the ferocious comic mind of Billy Eichner (Billy on the Street, 2019’s The Lion King, Difficult People, Impeachment: American Crime Story) and the hitmaking brilliance of filmmakers Nicholas Stoller (the Neighbors films, Forgetting Sarah Marshall) and Judd Apatow (The King of Staten Island, Trainwreck, The Big Sick), comes Bros, a smart, swoony and heartfelt comedy about how hard it is to find another tolerable human being to go through life with. Via Universal: This fall, Universal Pictures proudly presents the first romantic comedy from a major studio about two gay men maybe, possibly, probably, stumbling towards love. ‘Bros’ is scheduled to arrive Only in Theaters on September 30, 2022.

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You can also find the previously released Red Band Trailer and Poster Right Here! Continue on to check out the new Trailer for the movie now.īelow you can watch the new Trailer for the movie. Universal Pictures has released a new Official Trailer for the comedy ‘Bros’ from Billy Eichner and Nicholas Stoller featuring quite a bit of new footage.

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